Pamela Honsberger, MD
Elected Member of the Board | SCPMG Board of Directors
Physician Development and Support
Family Physician, Dept of OB/GYN, SCPMG- Orange County
Dr. Pam Honsberger is a board certified Family Physician, who practices in women’s health for Southern California Permanente Medical Group. She has been in leadership within SCPMG for over 15 years, most recently as one of the Assistant Area Medical Directors overseeing physician development and support for Orange County and now as an Elected Director of the Board of Directors for SCPMG. Her professional passion is supporting physicians during their career to find the most fulfillment and sustainability as well as advocating for an equitable, psychological and physically safe working environment for the entire healthcare team. More recent focus also includes addressing and preventing physician burnout. She resides in Orange County and is just about to be an empty nester with her husband as her daughter graduates from high school, with two older sons in college. In her spare time, she enjoys walking daily and listening to podcasts.