Karen Smith, MD, FAAFP
Physician, Family Medicine
Karen Smith, MD, FAAFP, has been practicing since 1992, with a private practice in Raeford, North Carolina since 2003. Dr. Smith’s practice specializes in family medicine. She is an active member of the Hoke County community for 26 years as a family physician in the rural community of Raeford. Over 13 years she has been an active participant on the Division of Medical Assistance Advisory Board and the North Carolina Institute of Medicine. Recognizing that the needs of her patient population reached beyond the exam room, Dr. Smith became involved with the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) and has been a member since 1990. She also is active with the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians (NCAFP).
In 2018 she received The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence’s (CCME) 2018 Harris Memorial Award in recognition of her outstanding achievements in the improvement of health care quality and service to the medical community. Dr. Smith has shown dedication to her community through her private practice and her involvement in health care reform initiatives, treatment of substance abuse disorders and onsite education experience.
Dr. Smith is a graduate of Hahnemann University School of Medicine. She trained at National Congress of Family Physician Residents, North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, Duke University, Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, and Fellow American Academy of Family Physicians.