Christine Tardiff, MSW, LICSW, MAPM
Clinical Social Worker, Boston Children’s Hospital
Christine Tardiff, MSW, LICSW, MAPM, holds dual master’s degrees in social work and pastoral ministry from Boston College. For the past two decades, she has found her calling wherever social justice, spirituality, and artistic expression meet. She is a clinical social worker at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) in the department of neuroscience, and has been a Schwartz Rounds® facilitator at BCH for many years. Her experience is that the practice of social work and medical care coordination is indeed a dance unto itself (Tardiff-Monterio, et al (2016). Social workers as care coordinators: Leaders in ensuring effective, compassionate care. Journal of Social Work in Health Care). Tardiff is also the pastoral minister of dance at the Paulist Center, Boston, where she leads a thriving children’s ministry. She responds to many invitations to dance in multi-faith settings, and is ever building creative partnerships with various churches and organizations.