Cathy Risdon, MD, DMan
Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Family Medicine, McMaster
Cathy Risdon, MD, DMan, is a professor and vice chair in the department of family medicine at McMaster and was the first holder of the David Braley-Nancy Gordon Endowed Chair in Family Medicine. She is the co-creator of the Michael G. Degroote School of Medicine’s Professional Competency Curriculum, a two-year course to teach professionalism, communication skills, advocacy, ethics and reflective practice.
Risdon completed her medical and family medicine training at McMaster University and her Doctorate of Management at The University of Hertfordshire. She has been on the faculty of the Academy of Communications in Healthcare for 20 years and has conducted training and consultations across North America for primary care and community-based agencies wishing to improve their capacity for effective team and interprofessional collaborations.
Risdon’s current clinical practice includes a varied inner-city population with a focus on vulnerable populations.