Rev. Beth Loomis, MDiv
Director of Pastoral Care, Mount Auburn Hospital
Rev. Beth Loomis is director of pastoral care at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA, and works per diem at Boston Children’s Hospital and a local hospice program. Loomis is a graduate of Harvard Divinity School and an active member of first Church Cambridge. She is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. Loomis has worked as a chaplain for over thirty years and, in her capacity as chaplain, has provided spiritual and bereavement support to patients, families, staff, and students. She co-chairs the Ethics Committee at Mount Auburn Hospital and is on the steering committees for Peer Support and Schwartz Rounds. Loomis lives with her husband and multiple students from around the world. Her beloved daughter attends college in Philadelphia. Loomis loves to travel and to engage with others in the exploration of values and social commitment. She is delighted to work with Dr. Beth Lown as Unit Based Schwartz Rounds are introduced on a national level.