This workshop provides a deep dive into the power of words and the bidirectional impact of language and values. Figurative language is ingrained in our communication, guides how we view our world, our patient relationships, and our roles as physicians, patient advocates, policy makers and our role modeling of compassionate care and professionalism. Words shape stories which become deeply rooted narratives and thus have power to perpetuate or dismantle health inequities on both micro- and macrocosmic levels. Through case-based narratives, excerpts, and videos, we have designed interactive exercises to encourage self-reflection on word choices used in patient notes, research publications, rounds and student and patient education sessions, to consider how they impact and perpetuate implicit and explicit bias, stigma, and empathy, and to reframe language and narrative choices. Specific prismatic examples include case presentations with varying degrees of biased language related to race, substance use disorder, LGBTQIA+ care, and individuals living with obesity and dementia.